quinta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2011

ENEMYS SPRITES (general idea)

C64 sprites are 12pixels wide maximum.
Here I have 10/11/12 sizes according to wich Enemy and/or shapes.

In A8 using a PM for each I only have 10pixels wide available.
Many fits but others don't... What to do in the 11/12pixels wide?
Depends the Enemy/shape in particular:
-> re-size to 10pixels
-> re-size to 11pixels where 1pixel are just PFs
-> Just use the same C64 shape but get the outside/more than 10pixels as only PFs.

On this Level2 screen I just re-size the Enemy Submarines into 11pixels where the last/backs pixels are just PF0-White-(0,14) and PF2-Middle Gray-(0,8), but also to look good, the Top part of them have the Border Line as PF2:

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

For some of the 12 pixel sprites you could also redesign the shapes to use missiles in double width.